
Meticulous Details

I have realized lately that every daunting task is really just a seemly infinite series of small and ordinary tasks.

I really don't like filing, so it stacks up. But, it is such an easy little task. If I just filed it instead of throwing it in the "to file" pile... this terrible task would never get the best of me.

I just took a differential equations exam for which this observation is most true. Every problem taking so long to complete, and none of the steps difficult to keep your attention from slipping. I actually caught myself writing 1 times 1 is 2.

It seems like people with OCD should be the overacheivers in this world. (Or, maybe they are?)

I hate saying "everything's going good" but, that is really the sum of things at the moment. It's crunch time.

A limits law of the universe:

patience ~ time/tasks. As tasks goes to infinity, patience approaches 0.

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