
4 weeks, but who's counting

I am still hanging in there and working hard on my exam material. It's a lot to master, but every little hour counts. It is a worthy adversary.
I'm getting in some good time now that I switched from 3 hours every other day to 1.5 hours every day. It does burn me out to do it every day, but I feel like I don't lose as much momentum, and still have a little time for myself everyday.
I've been guilty of rewarding myself on fancy coffees, so I am sure that I will gain 10 pounds trying to pass this bad boy. (But, food is a worthy adversary, too.)
My LAbff is basquing as we speak (yes, she is in the spanish riveria, that jerk.) So, basically, I have no one to giggle with over the pimp that I keep seeing at the coffee shop. Dude seriously looks like he is dressed up as a pimp for halloween, but every day: purple velvet suit with tall derby hat and white shiny leather cowboy boots... with his hair shimmered back and gold chains galore. It's fantastic.

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