

I'm not sure what snack-a-lack-a means. But, it's my latest word. I say it every day at least 50 times. It is a noun, verb, adjective, and expletive and it pretty much says it all. I finally got around to locating the pictures we took last weekend of Zola Jane having a sand picnic at the beach. We forgot to tell her that just because it exists doesn't mean you can digest it. She thought it was so tasty, though. She came back for seconds and thirds.

I can relate because I just had some fast food sushi for dinner.

We can now push her around in a new stroller! Thanks Mom & Dad! This stroller looks pretty average, but we test drove a lot of different strollers and this one has the best of everything. We surprised ourself, because it's a little bigger than I thought we would like. But Zola spends about a quarter of her life being strolled around, so we thought, "what the heck."

Plans for this weekend? Maybe I'll go for a long walk.

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