

This holiday, Mark and I decided to intentionally consider what traditions we want to have in our holiday home. We agreed that this will be my last attempt at an "Aunt Reta / Martha Stewart" tree.

We will have tamales on Christmas Eve (McCowen standard), Orange Sticks (Dad's C's legacy) and an orange at the toe of the sock (Mom C's legacy), and a ham dinner Christmas Day. (Even though this year it will just be dinner for two.)

What are some of your traditions?


Anonymous said...

Mona, Love your tree! why the change in x-mas tradition? just wondering? MCKAY

Mona said...

Just to clarify, the only thing we are changing is the tree. Everything else is a soldering of our two families... this is just the first time we have had to think about it since we usually spend the holidays with his family - and they take care of the traditions. This year, in part, we are on our own (we are still going out for a few days proceeding the actual holiday.)